Absolutely! Before the new law passed a few years ago, few patients in California had coverage for fertility TREATMENT. But most patients with insurance could get diagnostic TESTING paid for.
In the last 2 years, many plans have dropped coverage for the testing. This is because they are now required to cover many other basic services for patients including preventative services, birth control and nutrition counseling. It is a trade-off: the health of many versus the specialized needs of a few.
What does this mean for you? It is now more important than ever to see a SPECIALIST who knows which tests are most important and how to get those tests done at the LOWEST cost.
We have always been cost conscious at Advanced Fertility Associates. Now more than ever, that benefits our patients as they must pay a bigger part of their care.
Examples of how insurance coverage doesn’t work:
Cystic Fibrosis Testing: This is the most common genetic mutation that Caucasians carry. Traditional insurance covered this test that is usually OVER $300. The new, high deductible health exchange plans “cover” it but if you haven’t met your deductible, the entire cost will be yours to pay – between $350-800 depending on the laboratory.
We can get this test for you for only $99!
Hysterosalpingogram (test to check the fallopian tubes): Most plans no longer cover this. If your primary physician or gynecologist orders it, you may be charged $800-2000! Even if it is covered, you may not have met your deductible and still be responsible for the full fee.
At Advanced Fertility Associates, we can check your tubes for only $400!
Pelvic Ultrasound: Even if your gynecologist codes this as a non-infertility test, you may be responsible for part or all of the cost (depending on your deductible). Again, it can be as much as $1000.
Dr. Ratcliffe will perform a more specific and complete ultrasound at the new patient visit – for FREE!
Weight Loss Helps!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Jennifer RatcliffeBelow is an unsolicited e-mail from a patient that warms my heart. (It has been edited only slightly for clarity). This is why I do so much lifestyle counseling at New Patient Appointments:
August 16, 2024
Dear Dr. Ratcliffe,
I came to you back in September of 2023 for a consultation appointment. I will be honest; I was super nervous and expected you to give me even worse news than Kaiser (Santa Rosa) had given me back in June of 2023. They told me I had blocked Fallopian tubes and was unable to get pregnant naturally, when I asked what my other options were, they said IVF was my only option. And then proceeded to tell me I couldn’t’ talk to anyone else [in the Kaiser Fertility Center] until I gave them 40K for the procedure. I was devastated and heart broken, and I don’t think I fully recovered from that trauma until recently.
I took your advice [after the consultation] and I started working out religiously and started eating clean. No carbs or sugar like you suggested. I lost 60 pounds. I was so excited. I started to feel better about myself, less depressed than when I got the news and just overall happy again.
Anyways, the real reason I’m writing to you is because right before my husband and I left your office, you told us to let you know when we got pregnant naturally. [You were confident we could do it on our own]/ I would love to inform you that you were right, and we are in fact pregnant (21 weeks) with a little girl who should be here in December. We are forever grateful for your second opinion because without it we would not be expecting today.
We’ve Moved!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Jennifer RatcliffeAdvanced Fertility Associates Medical Group, Inc is in a beautiful new site at 4690 Hoen Avenue. Come visit us to see how we’ve grown!
Does the New Healthcare Law Affect Fertility Coverage?
/0 Comments/in Fertility /by afamdafmin45Absolutely! Before the new law passed a few years ago, few patients in California had coverage for fertility TREATMENT. But most patients with insurance could get diagnostic TESTING paid for.
In the last 2 years, many plans have dropped coverage for the testing. This is because they are now required to cover many other basic services for patients including preventative services, birth control and nutrition counseling. It is a trade-off: the health of many versus the specialized needs of a few.
What does this mean for you? It is now more important than ever to see a SPECIALIST who knows which tests are most important and how to get those tests done at the LOWEST cost.
We have always been cost conscious at Advanced Fertility Associates. Now more than ever, that benefits our patients as they must pay a bigger part of their care.
Examples of how insurance coverage doesn’t work:
Cystic Fibrosis Testing: This is the most common genetic mutation that Caucasians carry. Traditional insurance covered this test that is usually OVER $300. The new, high deductible health exchange plans “cover” it but if you haven’t met your deductible, the entire cost will be yours to pay – between $350-800 depending on the laboratory.
We can get this test for you for only $99!
Hysterosalpingogram (test to check the fallopian tubes): Most plans no longer cover this. If your primary physician or gynecologist orders it, you may be charged $800-2000! Even if it is covered, you may not have met your deductible and still be responsible for the full fee.
At Advanced Fertility Associates, we can check your tubes for only $400!
Pelvic Ultrasound: Even if your gynecologist codes this as a non-infertility test, you may be responsible for part or all of the cost (depending on your deductible). Again, it can be as much as $1000.
Dr. Ratcliffe will perform a more specific and complete ultrasound at the new patient visit – for FREE!
Avoid Unnecessary Tests and Save Money!
/0 Comments/in Fertility /by afamdafmin45The Science of Medicine changes quickly. We are still discovering new and novel treatments for old diseases and new diseases continue to emerge. This can make it hard for Doctors and Patients to keep up with the latest developments
Consequently, there are many doctors who still performing TESTS and PROCEDURES that have limited if ANY benefit for patients. These tests and procedures can cost the patient’s time and money and in some cases may even have the potential to harm a patient.
The CHOOSE WISELY campaign is sponsored by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), one of the leading medical societies in the United States. It is meant to educate Doctors and Patients to avoid harm and unnecessary spending.
The following document was produced by the ABIM and the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. It outlines tests typically done in the past for patients having a hard time getting pregnant. We now know that these tests and procedures DO NOT improve a woman’s CHANCE OF PREGNANCY, are COSTLY and can HARM a patient.
Click here for the CHOOSE WISELY document.
Protecting our Patients from Fertility Insurance?
/0 Comments/in Fertility /by afamdafmin4595% of Californians do NOT have coverage for FERTILITY treatment
BUT they think they do. Why?
When a patient calls her insurance company to ask about fertility benefits she is told “yes, you have coverage for diagnosis and treatment for the underlying cause of infertility.”
Happy, she hangs up and finds a doctor that contracts with her insurance company.
But this is where the problem begins:
What this ACTUALLY means is that she is covered for the 2-3 blood tests that help to predict egg quality, the dye test to check that your tubes are open (hysterosalpingogram) and that’s it!
So what do they mean by “treatment of underlying causes”? This means surgery to remove polyps or fibroids in your uterus or a swollen fallopian tube. That’s it.
ACTUAL fertility treatment (ovulation induction with clomid or injections, intrauterine inseminations and IVF) are all SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED in 95% of health plans in California!
By the time most patients figure this out, they have already wracked up multiple bills (because insurance is slow to process and deny claims) and suddenly can have THOUSANDS of dollars in bills that weren’t expected!
This is why we DON’T contract with the insurance plans and DON’T put off billing our patients. We want you to know EXACTLY how much treatment will cost BEFORE you start.
Don’t get caught in this common trap.
Call us: we’ll get an exact explanation of what is covered and not covered under your plan
BEFORE you spend any money.
Fertile Foods?
/0 Comments/in Fertility /by afamdafmin45Can you eat your way to better fertility?
Yes and no. Mostly the answer is no. Diet changes can’t change your partner’s sperm count, the patency and function of your tubes (i.e. are they open and picking up eggs) or improve the quality of your eggs (since you were born with them).
This means that giving up alcohol, caffeine and other indulgences won’t necessarily improve your fertility!
But of course, too much of anything can be harmful, so limit the amount that you consume daily.
Speaking of too much: too much food WILL hamper your fertility. If you are very overweight (over a Body Mass Index of 30) or are GAINING weight while trying to get pregnant, you most likely ARE compromising your fertility.
In one study, fertility declined by 4% for every BMI point over 28! Weight can also cause some birth defects and lead to more problems with the birth that can harm the baby.
So if you are OVER WEIGHT, losing weight BEFORE conceiving is a really good idea. You will be more likely to get pregnant AND have a healthier pregnancy and baby. All Good!
How do you do that? Well the real truth is that exercise only helps a little. In women, limiting what you eat has a much bigger effect on weight loss. The best way to do this for fertility is a low carbohydrate diet such as the South Beach Diet or the Paleo Diet. Even small amounts of weight loss can have positive effects, so start today!