
Protecting our Patients from Fertility Insurance?

95% of Californians do NOT have coverage for FERTILITY treatment
BUT they think they do. Why?

When a patient calls her insurance company to ask about fertility benefits she is told “yes, you have coverage for diagnosis and treatment for the underlying cause of infertility.”

Happy, she hangs up and finds a doctor that contracts with her insurance company.
But this is where the problem begins:

What this ACTUALLY means is that she is covered for the 2-3 blood tests that help to predict egg quality, the dye test to check that your tubes are open (hysterosalpingogram) and that’s it!

So what do they mean by “treatment of underlying causes”? This means surgery to remove polyps or fibroids in your uterus or a swollen fallopian tube. That’s it.

ACTUAL fertility treatment (ovulation induction with clomid or injections, intrauterine inseminations and IVF) are all SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED in 95% of health plans in California!

By the time most patients figure this out, they have already wracked up multiple bills (because insurance is slow to process and deny claims) and suddenly can have THOUSANDS of dollars in bills that weren’t expected!

This is why we DON’T contract with the insurance plans and DON’T put off billing our patients. We want you to know EXACTLY how much treatment will cost BEFORE you start.

Don’t get caught in this common trap.
Call us: we’ll get an exact explanation of what is covered and not covered under your plan

BEFORE you spend any money.